Infographic: Youtube - From Zero to 4 Billion video viewes a day in 2013
Journey of Youtube over the past eight years. A very nice infographic created by ShortyMedia.
Infographic Created by ShortyMedia
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Infographic: The Future Of The Phone Call
The telecom industry has gone through a variety of dramatic changes since Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876. This infographic by Acme Packet takes you through a history of communications including the three major inflection ...

How Mobile Revolution Is Changing Retail - Infographic
Here’s an interesting infographic that shows how Mobile revolution is changing the way retailers display and sell goods as well as where and how they interact with customers:
[by getchee. ]
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How To Quantify The Impact Of Social Commerce?
In this age of Social media, almost every brand - be it a small business or a renowned brand, has a social media presence. These small and big brands invest a lot in terms of time and money to build their online communities- whether ...

[Infographic] Impact of Smartphones and Mobile Technology on Health Care
With the advent of technology, we are increasingly getting dependent on various smart devices like tablets, smartphones. Most users use their smartphones for various purposes like email, games, social networking, instant messaging, mapping & ...

Infographic: The Usage of Connected TV
This interesting infographic on how people use connected TV is crafted by TremorVideo via Econsultancy.
Via: GetElastic
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The Power of Facebook Advertising, Very High Engagement,50% FB users are on Mobile
Facebook just published very interesting stats in the form of an infographic explaining the advantages, statistics and power of advertising on its very own network powered by 955 million users. Facebook is betting big time over ad revenue streams ...

Infographic : How Can You Become A Mobile App Developer ?
The online education portal Schools.com recently surveyed the app landscape, and pulled information from a variety of sources around the web to put together the infographic below, which serves as a primer for aspiring developers.
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Infographic: When to Start Your Own Business ?
There will always be a reason why now isn’t the right time to start your own business. And there will always be a reason it is.
Have a look at the infographic (below) from the startup organization Funders and Founders that challenges ...

Infographic: How big is SEO (Search Engine Optimization) in the Internet world ?
Did you know how big is the SEO (Search Engine Optimization ) industry on the Internet? Its huge, according to a new infographic by Spanish-based SEO service provider BlueCaribu.
In fact, the following infographic reveals that 3.5 people look ...