Pinterest Launches Pinterest Business Pages

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After the introduction of “Secret Boards”, popular online Pinboard Pinterest recently launched business pages.  This feature enables users to create business pages. Announcing this, the Pinterest blog stated,”Thousands of businesses have become part of our community, giving great ideas, content and inspiration to people on Pinterest. We want to help more businesses provide great content on Pinterest and make it easy to pin from their websites. Today, we’re taking a first step toward that goal with some free tools and resources.”

Who can setup a Pinterest business page? Well, if you’re a publication, brand, designer, blogger, retailer, online merchant, non-profit organization, institution, or local business, you are eligible to create your Pinterest business page. If your organization is new to Pinterest, you can sign up on Pinterest for a business account.  already have a Pinterest account, it can be easily converted by following the steps on the business site.

So how does a Pinterest business page help you?  Creating a Pinterest business page allows you to specify your business name (instead of first name and last name) and go through an optimized new user flow to help you:

  • Account Verification: The verification badge helps people identify high-quality sources of content and more easily find the business they want in search results.
  • Add new buttons and widgets: Integrate the Pin It button, Follow button, Profile widget, or Board widget to get more engagement from pinners and traffic back your site.
  • Access to upcoming features: Receive updates on future products and services that will provide more powerful ways of reaching and understanding your audience on Pinterest.

The Pinterest business pages have a new set of terms too. The Pinterest blog stated,”We now have two sets of terms—one for people and one for businesses. The business terms help guide businesses on how to use Pinterest. They also enable us to separate the provisions meant for businesses from those meant for regular people.”

Sharada is a Web 2.0/Technology/Social Media writer. She loves to keep a track of the technology world around.

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