On Tuesday, popular professional social network LinkedIn announced the global roll-out of video ads on its self-serve platform, LinkedIn Ads.
Currently the Video Ads are available through the LinkedIn Ads self-serve interface, that lets large and small advertisers place text and image ads across the LinkedIn site. With LinkedIn Ads, business users can control costs, pay per view or click, and stop campaign at any time. LinkedIn self-serve video ads work seamlessly with YouTube so that users can instantly leverage their brand’s existing YouTube presence and promote same videos on LinkedIn. Users will still be able to grow and capture the same YouTube stats they’re used to.
The video ads will appear in standard 300×250 ad units across the LinkedIn site and will compete for impressions similar to how traditional text and image ad formats do.
Will Hambly, LinkedIn’s online marketing manager stated in a blog post, “When a LinkedIn member is engaged and clicks your video ad, the video will take over the entire 300×250 ad unit and play a 30 second video. After the video completes, users will still be able to click through to your landing page or visit your website, just like with current ads.”
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