Yesterday, Sony Mobile India launched the Xperia tipo and the Xperia tipo dual smartphones. Xperia tipo, powered by Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich), is available in four diffrent colours - black, white, deep red and navy blue. Some of its key features are:
- weighs only 99.4 g (3.5 ounces)
- a 3.2 inch scratch-resistant TFT touchscreen
- an 800MHz Qualcomm Snapdragon processor with 512MB RAM
- a 3.2-megapixel camera with 4x digital zoom
- internal storage of 2.5GB, though the memory can be increased up to 32GB via microSD.
- Google Voice Search, Google Talk, Google Mail, Google Maps with Street View and Latitude are pre-loaded applications
Sony is offering 50GB of cloud storage via Box with the Xperia tipo. It has also tied up with Vodafone to offer 500MB of data free for three months for Xperia tipo buyers.
The Sony Xperia tipo is priced at Rs 9,999, while its dual-SIM (GSM+GSM) version Xperia tipo dual is priced at Rs 10,449. The specifications for Xperia tipo dual are the same except that it features an additional hardware key to switch between SIM cards.
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